As Primulas já começam a aparecer nos centros de jardinagem. Numa imensa variedade de cores, alegram os jardins neste tempo frio.
Ontem fomos dar uma volta pelos centros de jardinagem do costume e comprámos mais algumas coisas que irei mostrar aqui na próxima semana.
Hoje o dia esteve tão frio que, por mais que eu me apetecesse, não estava confortavel. Mas como tinha que fazer lá me vesti e fui para o jardim onde estive perto de meia-hora.
Comprámos uma Cerejeira. Eu sei que é uma parvoíce pois vai ter que estar num vaso, mas quis experimentar. Se désse meia duzia de cerejas eu já ficava contente. Lá plantei a àrvore e arrumei o que comprámos na estufa e no exterior e voltei rapidamente para o quentinho da casa.

We can already find Primulas at the garden centers. In a huge variety of colours, they make the winter garden more cheerful. Yesterday we went for a visit at the local garden centers and bought a few new plants that I will show you during next week. Today it was so cold outside that, even though I want it, I couldn’t be confortable in the garden.
We bought a Cherry tree. I know it’s stupid because it must stay in a big pot but it was a plant I always want it to try. If It gives only a few cherries that would make me very happy. So I went outside, planted the tree, placed the new plants in its place inside the conservatory and outside and went back to the warmth of my living room.

We can already find Primulas at the garden centers. In a huge variety of colours, they make the winter garden more cheerful. Yesterday we went for a visit at the local garden centers and bought a few new plants that I will show you during next week. Today it was so cold outside that, even though I want it, I couldn’t be confortable in the garden.
We bought a Cherry tree. I know it’s stupid because it must stay in a big pot but it was a plant I always want it to try. If It gives only a few cherries that would make me very happy. So I went outside, planted the tree, placed the new plants in its place inside the conservatory and outside and went back to the warmth of my living room.