Este mês tenho estado mais tempo do que o habitual no jardim. Tenho até aproveitado algumas horas de almoço para trabalhar um pouco no jardim.
Em Janeiro há muito que fazer. Não são só limpezas. As Fuchsias e as Roseiras precisam de ser podadas e as estacas plantadas, há muita folhagem para ser retirada, bolbos para voltarem para a terra, vasos para serem limpos e plantas para serem reenvasadas, enfim, muito trabalho.
Com a chuva que tem caído, as fuchsias estão todas a rebentar. Acho que para o ano vou pensar em podar umas duas semanas mais cedo, logo no inicio do ano ou final de Dezembro.
Também já estou a descobrir onde é que as sementes de Lobélias, Amores-Perfeitos e Malmequeres foram aterrar pois já vejo vasos cheios de pequenas plantinhas. Muitas delas em vasos onde não deveriam estar, por isso têm que ser plantadas em outro sítio.
Entretanto deixo-vos a foto de uma Fuchsia que plantei em Outubro e que floriu recentemente.

This month I’ve been really busy in the garden. Even in my lunch break I often work there a little.
In January there’s a lot to do in the garden.
The Fuchsias and Rose bushes need prunning, there are leaves to clean off the floor, bulbs to put back on hearth, pots to be clean and plants to plant in bigger pots, anyway, lots to do.
With all the rain from last weeks, the Fuchsias are growing new leaves very fast. Maybe next year I’ll do the prunning 2 or 3 weeks earlier.
I’m also finding many new plants growing in the wrong places. I guess there were seeds from Lobelias and Pansies blown away to the wrong pots. Those must be mooved to their own pots.
I leave you a foto of a new Fuchsia plant that I planted on October and just bloomed.

This month I’ve been really busy in the garden. Even in my lunch break I often work there a little.
In January there’s a lot to do in the garden.
The Fuchsias and Rose bushes need prunning, there are leaves to clean off the floor, bulbs to put back on hearth, pots to be clean and plants to plant in bigger pots, anyway, lots to do.
With all the rain from last weeks, the Fuchsias are growing new leaves very fast. Maybe next year I’ll do the prunning 2 or 3 weeks earlier.
I’m also finding many new plants growing in the wrong places. I guess there were seeds from Lobelias and Pansies blown away to the wrong pots. Those must be mooved to their own pots.
I leave you a foto of a new Fuchsia plant that I planted on October and just bloomed.
Fuchsia ‘Dollar Princess’