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Wrest Park reabre ao publico após recuperação de 20 anos.

Cada nação dá importância a certas coisas. Por cá, jamais se gastariam tanto dinheiro para a recuperação de um jardim. Talvez para um estádio de futebol, nunca para um jardim.

Deixo-vos aqui uma boa notícias sobre um jardim inglês com cerca de três séculos de existência que após grandes obras de recuperação, abre as suas portas novamente ao público. Será, sem dúvida, um dos meus destinos quando regressar a Inglaterra.
England’s largest secret garden will open its doors to the public today to reveal its first phase of a 20-year revamp.
Wrest Park in Bedfordshire has been kept in the dark for over half a century, but a £3.8m project to restore the site’s gardens and woodlands will put the charming secret garden back on the map again.
The 90-acre park prides itself on being one of the few places in the world where visitors can see 300 years of the evolution of landscape gardening, according to English Heritage – which took over the project in 2006.
Highlights of the first phase of the restoration include a late Victorian rose garden and an Italian garden which have been transformed to their original layouts.
Visitors can also meander through miles of historic pathways and overgrown vistas as they indulge in all the beauty Wrest Park has to offer.
Simon Thurley, chief executive of English Heritage said: “Wrest Park tells the story of England’s love affair with landscape. It is a unique place capturing three hundred years of gardening history.”
“So now with the successful completion of this first phase of restoration, Wrest Park can rightfully reclaim its place as one of the great gardens of England.”

